Pet Scraper

The goal of this project is to create a centralized platform that aggregates animal data from multiple animal shelters' websites, facilitating the search for dogs and cats for potential local pet owners. The project aims to provide a user-friendly interface where users can easily find and adopt pets in their local area.

Key Features

  • Scraping and Data Processing: The back-end of the site is responsible for scraping animal data from various animal shelters' websites using Cheerio. It processes, filters, and organizes the data, ensuring it is ready for display on the front-end.
  • Centralized Database: The scraped animal data is stored in a MongoDB database using Mongoose for efficient and schema-based data modeling.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The front-end, built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Bootstrap 5, provides an intuitive user interface where potential pet owners can easily search for dogs and cats based on different criteria such as breed, age, and gender.
  • Type Safety: TypeScript brings static typing to the development process, enhancing code quality and providing early detection of potential errors. It improves maintainability and collaboration in larger codebases.
  • Developer Tooling: TypeScript offers features like autocompletion, intelligent code navigation, and refactoring tools, improving developer productivity and reducing debugging time.
  • Improved Error Handling: TypeScript catches common errors during the development phase, reducing runtime errors and providing more robust error handling in the application.
  • Performance Optimization: PurgeCSS is employed to remove unused CSS from the project, reducing the CSS build files' size and improving loading times.
  • API Endpoints: The back-end server provides an API for data consumption. It exposes several endpoints that allow users to retrieve specific data and customize their search options. Detailed documentation regarding data fetching from these API endpoints can be found in the "API" section on the live site:
  • CI/CD Strategy: The project follows a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) strategy, ensuring that changes are thoroughly tested and deployed efficiently.

The project utilizes a combination of front-end and back-end technologies to achieve its objectives. Let's explore the tools used in each part:

Technologies Used


  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment used for server-side development.
  • Express: A web application framework for handling HTTP requests and responses.
  • Cheerio: A library for extracting data from HTML and XML documents.
  • MongoDB: A popular NoSQL document-oriented database used for storing the scraped animal data.
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB, providing schema-based data modeling.


  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js: A powerful framework built on top of React, providing features like routing, image optimization, and server-side rendering (SSR) for improved SEO leverage.
  • TypeScript: A typed superset of JavaScript that brings static typing and compile-time checks to the development process. TypeScript enhances code quality, provides improved developer tooling, and reduces runtime errors.
  • Axios: A library used for making HTTP requests from the front-end to the back-end APIs.
  • Bootstrap 5: A widely-used CSS framework that provides pre-built components and a responsive grid system for easier and faster front-end development.
  • PurgeCSS: A tool utilized to remove unused CSS from the project, reducing the CSS build files' size and improving performance.

By leveraging Node.js, Express, Cheerio, MongoDB, Mongoose, React, Next.js, TypeScript, Axios, Bootstrap 5, PurgeCSS, and a robust CI/CD strategy, this web project aims to streamline the pet adoption process by aggregating animal data from various shelters' websites, providing a centralized platform for potential local pet owners to find their ideal pets while benefiting from the advantages of TypeScript in terms of type safety, code quality, and developer productivity.